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F I N E   A R T I S T  &  P E R F O R M E R



My artistic name is Wyland, I am a french fine artist and I have moved to London recently.


My work includes in general the theme « nu de l’âme » through musicals/acting idols.


I use mixed media for my paintings and sculptures.


I also perform live on stage to create unique tee-shirts and big canvases very quickly.


These moments are filled with lots of energy and emotions while music is on.


This makes it a fantastic event attracting many people.



Je me nomme Wyland, je suis artiste peintre, plasticien français habitant depuis peu à Londres.


Je travaille sur le thème du « nu de l'âme » à travers les idoles qui nous bercent chaque jour de leur musique ou de leur jeu d’acteur. 


J'utilise des "ingrédients" divers ; acrylique, silicone, mastic, huiles essentielles, fil de fer,



Je fais également des performances en directes sur tee-shirt ou sur des châssis de grand format, une technique dans un temps très limité. Ce sont des moments intenses d’émotion et d’énergie synchronisés avec de la musique


Ma pratique plastique de peintures, de performances et de cutting tee-shirt forment un ensemble assurant un évènement haut en couleur !


Mettre en valeur un espace ou un objet, l’habiller de peinture et/ou de matière, lui redonner une autre fonction, représentent ce que je pourrais apporter.


Tout projet relatif  à la création et au design procure chez moi le plus vif intérêt.



Artistiquement vôtre, Wyland



My artistic name is Wyland, I am a French fine artist/performer living in East London.

I work on the theme of our idols who rock us everyday with their music or their acting.

I work and sculpt the line by drawing, painting, using fabric and mixed media.

I curve and interlace the lines between themselves to make some drawings and installations.

Light and graphic, my work oscillates between more decorative object and installation.

I also do direct performances  on T-shirts or on large canvases, a technique which is done in a very limited time.

These are intense moments of emotion and energy synchronized with music.

My work in which the human is joined by its silhouette, by his face or by text is integrated into the work.

My work as a painter / performer implements mixed media on different supports and invites thinking.

In an incisive and powerful graphic, I draw faces on abstract backgrounds or in black and white on a white surface to give a spirit of seeking authenticity.




In the year 74 of the 20th Century, Wyland was born.

As a rule he sleeps by day, and arises just as night has fallen.

A nocturnal existence becomes increasingly normal in Wylands universe.

Rapidly, the intoxicating scent of paint spread out and drying from his pictorial creations,

makes Wyland wish to further develop his passion on a canvas of solid white.

There Wyland discovers the secret of the soul of a woman.

In the course of discussion and exchange the ideal woman is revealed.

Wyland has but one philosophy: above all, to be truthful to his fertile and intimate art.

Daylight is growing in importance in WyLand
World And You. The Way !




En l'An 74 du 20ème siècle, Wyland naquit. 


De façon diurne, il sommeille et séveille dès que la nuit fût venue.


Bien vite, l'odeur envoûtante de la toile tendue séchant de ces projections picturales, donne à Wyland l'envie de développer le plagiat de son désir sur fond de tissu monochrome blanc. 


Wyland dénude sur toile le nu de l'âme des femmes. 

C'est dans la discussion et l'échange que se
« dévoile » la femme modèle. 


Le jour se lève de plus en plus sur le monde utopique de Wyland. 


WYLAND ; Wyl And You :  MY WAY

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